Wonderful World

A song recital with the world hits of jazz – world premiere
with: Siggy Davis, Terrence Ngassa, O’tooli Masanza, Ramses Alfa, André Rohde, Ingo Biermann, Sidney Joel Tre, Mikael Tsegaye
In a smoky bar in the poor quarter of New Orleans in the 1920s: Something „unheard of“ is happening here. The stories and melodies of folk songs and spirituals combine to create an exciting new rhythm and sound. The notes dance, the musicians jam, the music seems out of control. Jazz is born.

„…Siggy Davis sings and begs,
… She combines power and emotion, tenderness and clarity, longing and exuberant joie de vivre in her voice. Every song is an experience. Especially when the orchestra pit is raised and the band with the incredible Armstrong double Terrence Ngassa can also be seen: a jazz experience…“
Julia Nehmiz, St.Galler Tagblatt online, 15.2.20
„…It is up to the professional jazz musicians Siggy Davis and Terrence Ngassa to give this evening the swing, and they succeed magnificently. The musical spectrum ranges from Duke Ellington to Benny Goodman, from Cole Porter to Irving Berlin. With her powerful, yet slender and flexible voice, Davis fits into the most diverse styles…“
Johannes Bruggaier, Südkurier, 17.2.20

“ …With „Wonderful World“, Theater Konstanz brings a production to the stage that deals with the history of the origins of jazz and the legend of Louis Armstrong. Musically, the evening exceeds all expectations.
….The music. Siggy Davis plays the hidden daughter who follows the path of music in search of her father with a talent that puts everything else in the shade. The jazz musician appeared on stage on Off Broadway in New York at the age of nine and has since performed with big names from the music business as well as in her own productions. She slips into different robes and gives shape to voices such as Ella Fitzgerald, Nina Simone and all the gospel singers who originally delivered secret messages in music as slaves in the fields
As soon as Davis begins to sing, the backdrop blurs and you get the feeling that you have traveled through time and landed at a concert that has otherwise only survived in black and white photographs…..“
Veronika Fischer, Verein Saiten ch, 27.2.20
„…Siggy Davis glows as soon as she is allowed to sing, her voice is powerful, strong and yet so soulful that every emotion can be felt…“
Elisa Engler, Das Opernglas, April 2020